Our Mission

“Food, What?!” is a youth empowerment and food justice organization. At FoodWhat, youth engage in relationships with land, food and each other in ways that are grounded in love and rooted in justice. We provide meaningful space where youth define and cultivate their empowerment, liberation and well-being.

Our Program

Youth from Watsonville join the FoodWhat Crew through our Spring Internship, Summer Job Training and Fall Project Management programs. FoodWhat youth use organic farming, nourishing food and loving community as vehicles to grow on their own terms and in lasting ways. As a FoodWhat Crew, we grow, cook, eat and distribute fresh, healthy food while also addressing local food justice issues.

Our Impact

FoodWhat’s impact is a direct result of the way youths’ wisdom, experience and personal gifts are honored. As such, FoodWhat is a safe space where youth are centered as agents of their own future. On the farm, youth access growth opportunities related to:

1) deep relationships with healthy food

2) economic security through paid whole-person job training

3) socioemotional health

4) environmental connectedness

5) personal empowerment

Our Vision

We envision liberation in all ways, love at all levels and wellbeing in all forms for youth and our community.
